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Join a Bible Study!

Read the Lord's Word with a community of believers within the sport industry!

Grow in faith through a 12-week Bible study fellowship with colleagues from the college and pro sports community.

This study will utilize an app called,
WordGo, which delivers daily study plans straight to your phone, helping you connect with God through His Word.


  • Who: Anyone working or actively pursuing a career in college or professional sports.

  • What: Fellowship & the study of Scripture through the WordGo app.

    • There are also daily readings, questions, and notes for participants to review between each weekly group meeting.

  • When: Starts the week of February 2nd and ends on the week of April 27th.​

    • 12-Week Study Plan Outline:

      • 1 Corinthians (4-week study)

      • Ephesians (4-week study)

      • 1 John (2-week study)

      • 1 Peter (2-week study)​

  • Where: Virtually over Zoom.

  • How: Fill out the form below and select the best group for your schedule.   


If you have further questions about USG's community Bible study groups, click the button below to access the FAQ page!


If you're interested, please complete the form below. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Connect with Scripture and a community of believers.

Connect with fellow professionals from the college and pro sports industry during a 12-week Bible study.

The WordGo app will serve as a tool in this study to deepen participants' engagement with Scripture.


Weekly Zoom meetings will be paired with independent study, where participants use WordGo to read the passage and answer engaging questions.

Stock image of a person having a prayer moment during bible study.

Weekly Meetings:

Each week, you will meet with your group, led by a USG staff member, to fellowship, review the passage, and discuss key points.

Independent Study:
The WordGo app allows each participant to read the assigned passage for the week and answer questions in preparation for the group discussion.​​

The spring Bible Study groups will be starting soon, and we will be offering the following weekly meeting options:


  • Sunday at 7 pm CST

  • Monday at 7 pm CST

  • Thursday at 7 am CST

  • Friday at Noon CST

Use the form below to sign up, and let us know your preferred meeting time.

Bible Study Testimonials

Travis Jarome

Associate AD/Public Relations & Sports Media,
Jackson State University

Image of Travis Jarome

The entire study was awesome, getting a chance to dive into the word and develop new friendships with believers and followers of Christ."

Marie Milanowski

Baseball Data Engineer,
Miwaukee Brewers

Image of Marie Milanowski

"I really enjoyed the community that was gained from the [Bible Study] and the time that we spent getting to know each other and just supporting one another in our everyday lives."

We will send you a confirmation email to confirm your registration. Then, we'll contact you to confirm your weekly meeting time and provide you with links to your study.

Bible Study Sign-up Form

Please note: these groups are restricted to those actively pursuing, working in, or recently retired from college or pro sports.

Please Select Your Preferred Meeting Times - Check all that apply

We will never sell or share your information.

Click here to view our Privacy Policy.

Thanks for signing up!  We will follow up with you soon.

We are excited to offer these virtual opportunities as we understand that the transient nature and irregular time demands of working in sports may make it very difficult for you to join an in-person group.


Please note, however, that we strongly encourage you to prioritize gathering in person through your local church or with a local body of believers if and when you can.


Thanks for stopping by! For more information on Uncommon Sports Group, select from the buttons below:

Bible Study Sign Up Form
BIble Study Testimonials

You are always welcome to contact us with any questions or ideas.

We hope to speak with you soon!

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