2 Corinthians 9:7 says, “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
This verse encapsulates everything that is Uncommon Sports Group’s Clean Out For A Cause program. During my short time as the Director of Donor Relations, this verse is exemplified daily in the support we see from so many individuals across the sport industry.
Since joining the USG staff full-time in March of 2022, I have had the privilege of sharing how much impact each donation brings. In a matter of months, I’ve seen God’s work in so many aspects of our staff. We’ve been able to come alongside many young professionals seeking a career in sports, provide scholarships to students, teach coaches internationally and provide a support system for so many looking to pursue not just career goals, but so much more.
In my time in the sport industry, I have been extremely blessed to work with some great and gifted people. Beginning my career at Grand Canyon University and then continuing it while building relationships in sales in the sport industry, my time has been peppered with amazing people and unbelievable support. I've visited hundreds of equipment rooms, conferences, and conventions and sat on innumerable Zoom calls. Each has given me the opportunity to create so many valuable relationships.
These incredible people have shown me firsthand what it takes to have a giving heart. There is not one that is a quid pro quo relationship but simply giving to give because it's the right thing to do. Each day I get to explain how we take sports apparel and turn it into service, missions, and training opportunities for USG students and supporters to take advantage of. The immense support of so many makes me proud to be a part of an organization like USG.
Working alongside sports professionals in different roles and positions across the country, I have seen a common trait: being a cheerful giver. For some, it may be time for an athlete; for others, it ensures that practice is set up correctly. Or, it's simply being available if someone needs it. This industry is full of professionals pursuing God’s word daily by giving of their time and resources.
The countless supporters who donate to the Clean Out For A Cause give from their hearts. The people I interact with daily want to make a difference and know that we are working tirelessly at USG to do just that. It is truly inspiring to see the waves of people making a difference with their teams, programs, and organizations worldwide.
If we all pursue life and find time to live like we are called to in 2 Corinthians 9:7, we will find our lives are more fulfilling. I'd like to challenge you to think about how you can give back to an industry that has given so much to you. Find it in yourself to seek the joy in giving your time, energy, focus, etc., to those around you. Do what you can to make a difference today in an industry that needs it.
If you'd like to know more about USG's mission, service, and training, click here.
If you're fresh in your sport industry career and would like to know more about our USG Academy, use the forms here to get in touch.
And as always, if you'd like to know more about us, or to speak with someone from our team, simply contact us. We'd love to hear from you.
Thank you for your time, and God bless!